Heavy Equipment
The following excerpt from OSHA is a big reason to consider Defensive Driving Training for your workforce offered by Basin Safety, the premier safety training company of the Bakken, available now in Williston and Dickinson, ND. Training and awareness like this can save lives of your most important resource: Your work force.
Workers and equipment are required to be transported to and from well sites. Wells are often located in remote areas, and require traveling long distances to get to the sites. Highway vehicle crashes are the leading cause of oil and gas extraction worker fatalities. Roughly 4 of every 10 workers killed on the job in this industry are killed as a result of a highway vehicle incident (Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries). In addition to Defensive Driving Training offered by Basin Safety, the following OSHA and NIOSH resources provide free guidance on recognizing and controlling vehicle-related hazards:
Motor Vehicle Safety. OSHA Safety and Health Topics Page. Addresses hazards, controls and standards associated with motor vehicles.
Work Zone Traffic Safety. OSHA QuickCard™ (Publication 3267). Covers traffic safety in brief.
Fatal Facts, Oil Patch No. 1-2012. Report on a fatality attributable to a vehicle hazard.
Motor Vehicle Safety. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Workplace Safety & Health Topic. Lists NIOSH publications and current research into occupational motor vehicle safety.
Work-Related Roadway Crashes: Prevention Strategies for Employers. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Publication No. 2004-136, (March 2004). Provides statistics on work-related vehicle accidents and prevention options for employers.
How to Prevent Fatigued Driving at Work – These fact sheets for employers and workers have information about fatigue and how to stay safe behind the wheel. They are also available in Spanish.
Oil and Gas Well Drilling and Servicing eTool: Transportation Module. Reviews potential hazards and possible solutions for transporting personnel and equipment, vehicle operation at the well site, and all-terrain vehicles and utility task vehicles.
Drive Safe. (September 2019). Video developed by Helmerich & Payne to promote safe driving in the oil and gas extraction industry.
4401 16th Avenue West Williston, ND 58801.
2740 Sims Street Suite B Dickinson , ND 58601
(701) 572-8140
Basin Safety believes in shared excellence. We are accountable to our core values:
● Pioneering Excellence Everyday
● Supporting each other to put customers first
● Asking the right questions, to ensure the greatest results.
Powered By Upleveled Strategies
Basin Safety believes in shared excellence. We are accountable to our core values:
● Pioneering Excellence Everyday
● Supporting each other to put customers first
● Asking the right questions, to ensure the greatest results.
4401 16th Avenue West Williston, ND 58801.
2740 Sims Street Suite B Dickinson , ND 58601
(701) 572-8140
Powered By Upleveled Strategies