Hearing Protection Training

Two men working wearing ear muffs

Discover 4 benefits of conducting hearing protection training

March 07, 20223 min read

Many workers in construction, excavation and maintenance are at risk of a workplace injury. When most people think of workplace injuries, injuries from falls and exposure to harmful materials are often what comes to mind. But injury from excessive noise is another hazard that workers face. Excessive noise without proper protection can cause permanent injury and disability. That’s why OSHA has guidelines in place to help protect workers from occupational noise exposure.

Hearing loss is not the only way that occupational noise exposure can cause injury. A high-pitched ringing in the ears, known as tinnitus, is a side effect of noise exposure that can often become permanent. Loud noises can also increase blood pressure and induce anxiety in some people. Loud noises can even cause accidents due to attention being diverted away from difficult tasks. All these points are reasons why hearing conservation programs are an important part of ensuring workplace safety.

What are the benefits of hearing protection training?

Workers in industries that rely on loud equipment stand to benefit the most from hearing conservation training. Any worker who is regularly exposed to noise levels at or exceeding 85 adjusted decibels, or dBA, for eight hours or more are at risk of injury. Some of the ways workers can benefit from hearing conservation training programs include:

  1. Learning the importance of regular noise monitoring — A top-notch hearing conservation training program will discuss the importance of noise monitoring. It can also help your workers learn why your company is required to measure noise levels in the workplace. Such a training program can then help workers determine if their company is doing the correct amount of noise monitoring. This allows workers to ensure that they aren’t being exposed to harmful amounts of noise. They’ll also learn that employers are required to share noise monitoring test results with their employees. This can help workers both better prevent noise injury and seek compensation if injury has occurred.

  2. Discovering why audiometric testing is vital — Employers should also test workers’ hearing over time. This is a point that will be made clear in a hearing conservation training program. Such programs can also explain how audiometric testing helps to determine if efforts to prevent noise injury in the workplace are working. Additionally, workers can learn about audiometric testing procedures and why they should be having it performed regularly. 

  3. Discovering the types of hearing protection best suited to one’s job — Hearing protection equipment, such as earplugs and industrial earphones, should be available for workers at no cost. Several options need to be available so that workers can choose what best suits them and their tasks. A high-quality training program can teach your workers about the different types of hearing protection available. It can also help them discover the most effective protective equipment for their job. 

  4. Learning how to use hearing protection properly — Figuring out how to properly wear various types of hearing protection can be difficult for some workers. Top-tier hearing conservation training can help address this difficulty. It can instruct them on the proper use of multiple types of hearing protection; additionally, it can train them to recognize the signs of a noise injury.

What is the best source for hearing protection training in my area?

Basin Safety is your go-to source for hearing conservation and protection training. Our Hearing Protection program is compliant with OSHA standards as well as all local guidelines. We ensure that your employees receive all necessary hearing conservation training, including:

  • The effects of noise and noise injury.

  • The purpose and different types of hearing protection.

  • How to properly use hearing protection.

  • Noise level monitoring.

  • Audiometric testing.

Contact Basin Safety today for more information on our hearing protection training, as well as our wide variety of other workplace safety programs, consulting services, field services and equipment services. 

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Basin Safety believes in shared excellence. We are accountable to our core values:

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● Supporting each other to put customers first

● Asking the right questions, to ensure the greatest results.


4401 16th Avenue West Williston, ND 58801.

2740 Sims Street Suite B Dickinson , ND 58601

(701) 572-8140

Basin Safety Consulting © 2025. All rights reserved.

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